wypożyczalnia rowerów torbole

Looking for bike rental in Torbole? Velolake located on the north side of Lake Garda, offers top-quality bike rent in Torbole for an unforgettable cycling experience.

Rental Store Location and Info

Address and Contacts

Bike Rent Velolake | Nago-Torbole | Trento (TN)

Via Giacomo Matteotti, 80 / Torbole, 38069 Italia.

+39 329-43-52-878

Opening Hours Bike Rental
Open from the 1st March to the 16th of November 2025.
08:00 – 19:00

Book online in advance to have guaranteed availability!

Services & Benefits

The store offers more than 25 bike models: Enduro-, road – and (E-)mountain bikes are the most rented bikes in this environment.

  • One-way rental available! You can return your bike at any other Velolake’s rental location. (See map)
  • Hotel delivery on request! Get your bike ready upon arrival. We also offer repair services for private bikes by appointment.

Rent Online

Exclusive Perks for Online Bookings
When you book your bike rental in Torbole online, you get:

✔ Guaranteed availability of your bike
✔ Online discounts (varies by shop and season)
✔ Try and test your bike upon pickup
✔ Hygienized helmets after every use
✔ Professional bike setup before and after rental
✔ Battery charging (for e-bike rentals)

Modify or Cancel Your Reservation
Check our WARUNKI WYNAJMU Policy for details.

To modify or cancel a booking, nami.

Znajdź Swoją Trasę

Potrzebujesz więcej informacji, szczegółów lub tras GPS na swoją przejażdżkę? Śledź nas na Komoot i odkryj wszystkie trasy dostosowane do Twojej kategorii rowerzysty, stworzone specjalnie dla Ciebie przez nasz zespół!


  • Sezon rowerowy 2025 rozpoczyna się 1 kwietnia 2025 r., Jeśli chcesz wynająć w sezonie zimowym, proszę napisz do nas;
  • Odbiór rowerów ze sklepów rozpoczyna się o godzinie 9:00, jeśli chcesz odebrać rower wcześniej, dodaj swoje uwagi do rezerwacji lub zadzwoń do nas;
  • Czas dostawy wynosi od 8:00 do 9:30 rano, a odbiór rozpoczyna się o 6:00 po południu;
  • Jeśli potrzebujesz więcej rowerów lub inny segment z Twojej lokalizacji, napisz do nas.
  1. Date Selection: Enter the bike hire date, the pickup time, and the desired rental duration.
  2. Choose the Pickup Location: Select the pickup location available and scroll down the page (pick Torbole for a different location delivery service to set up later).
  3. Bike Selection: Choose the type of bike from the available category options, such as city bikes, MTB, e-bikes, select it and then scroll to see all models and size available.
  4. Add Extras: You can add additional services like home delivery, insurance, or accessories such as helmets.
  5. Confirm and Checkout: Review your cart (if a delivery service is selected, enter the delivery details) and complete the payment using a credit card.