Monte Velo Bike Route

Road bike tour for experts. Good training is required. In some parts of the Tour, you may have to push the bike.

Monte Velo Itinerary Info

Short and also intensive this road is a famous climb good for training in a very short riding time.

Starting with 13 km climbing with a 10% ascend average, has been part of the Giro d’Italia, one of the most famous professional tours in the world.

This street has been also ridden by the Italian pro team during their training camp in Torbole.

Shuttle Booking


  • Odbiór rozpoczyna się domyślnie o godzinie 9:00 (jeśli chcesz odebrać rower wcześniej, dodaj swoje uwagi do rezerwacji lub zadzwoń do nas)
  • Usługa dostawy rozpoczyna się o 8:00 rano i jest odbierana od 6:00 po południu.
  • Jeśli potrzebujesz więcej rowerów lub inny segment z Twojej lokalizacji, napisz do nas.